There is an old wise saying… Only when you have your cup filled, can you pour out of it…When admiring other people’s garden do not forget to tend to your own flowers. Practicing self care doesn’t mean you’re choosing yourself over your loved ones. It simply means to be mindful of one’s needs so, you are able to better the care and support that you lend to others. Validate, pamper, treat yourself often. You are your first love…and there is nothing to feel guilty about, at all.

Self care comes in variety of forms, it doesn’t need to be elaborate and an expensive affair. It could be as simple as taking deep breaths…or long solitary walks. It’s a layer above the simple eat well and move stuff…which you need to channelise and challenge to really be able to slay it and make the whole process of Self Care worthwhile and therapeutic.

Here is a concise list of things that you can do as a routine or pick few of them that suits best around your schedule and liking . You can also engage in the activities that you find interesting and worthy enough of your time 😘. Give it a shot…I assure you won’t regret.

  1. Try waking up a little early …say fifteen minutes of what you did usually. Take few deep breaths and meditate in your bed, it could be as humble as five minutes.
  2. Do some stretching and warming up…or some breathing exercises.
  3. If possible go for a walk, indulge in some yoga or hit the gym… whatever suits you the best.
  4. Make yourself a hot cup of tea …of your liking…or a flavour that you have a strong penchant for. It surely works as a kick.
  5. Treat yourself to a modest breakfast…with some Fruits and Nuts/Seeds.
  6. Write a journal..or a diary. Make a brief sketch of how your day gonna look like. Or chalk out a To-do list.
  7. Put on your fav playlist and groove…just to ease out and relax.
  8. A nice warm fragrant shower or a bubble bath is the best therapy you can have when feeling low or tired. Can also try having a Home spa…or some tiny Meni–pedi session with Candles, Aroma oils and Music. It works wonders 😊
  9. Dress to kill…even if that means  spending time looking at yourself in the mirror for a while. Make sure you don’t forget to Smile back 😉.
  10. Wear your favourite Perfume and slay it all. Smell good Feel good; simple theory.
  11. Lounge around with a piece of cake or your favourite dessert…if nothing on this earth interests you..just gorge on them. Few Calories are anyway better than wild insane thoughts.
  12. Drink a Smoothie, Juice, Slush of your liking…just blend in some Fruits and veggies of your choice.
  13. Dance the sweat out …or just groove to a peppy number… It’s for sure gonna hit you like some insane DMT.
  14. Have a conversation on phone with your favourite person…or indulge in some Gripping online chat.
  15. If you don’t want any human interaction..just want to chill and relax…put on an uplifting music ..or songs of your favourite genre and just enjoy the Calm amongst the Chaos.
  16. Read a captivating book, Or flip on some magazine’s pages.
  17. Make some Art. Let the creativity in you find its wings.
  18. Practice Mindfulness… silence…just Be in the moment…Now.
  19. Grab something AudioVisual on the  OTT platforms… perhaps a Movie, Series or a Podcast.
  20. Play with your pet, if you have one. It’s indeed therapeutic.
  21. Jot down in a diary or a piece of paper …what you feel like, any of your aspirations, anxieties or things that you want to do. Make a bucket list of your own.
  22. Cook something that you are pro at …Or try making something new. Watch a tutorial or open your recipe book…that has all your saved recipes that you have been wanting to try since long. May be you can try a different cuisine altogether.
  23. Get some fresh flowers..arrange them in a beautiful vase. Or try mending and manouvering plants that you have at home.
  24. Go for a Walk in the Nature.
  25. Take a Guided Meditation online.

Gaze at the setting Sun..and just be attentive to the nuances of the onsetting evening….it could be the sweet notes of the birds chirping who are retiring back to their nests..the subtle, serenity of the cool breeze…or the sky that is painted in crimson hue, with a dash of blue and pink….It’s sheer Magic.

I hope you find this helpful…one or few ideas are good enough to cheer you up or perhaps help you break the mundane  monotony of everyday routine.

Here is a list of songs attached to help you out with the music….in case you don’t have a playlist ready🎼🎶🎵

You are going to Make it…You shall be at Peace; You are going to Create, and Love, and Laugh, and Live. You are going to Sail through and do Great things !!