Showing: 7 RESULTS

⚜️Self Care Catalogue⚜️

There is an old wise saying… Only when you have your cup filled, can you pour out of it…When admiring other people’s garden do not forget to tend to your own flowers. Practicing self care doesn’t mean you’re choosing yourself over your loved ones. It simply means to be mindful of one’s needs so, you …

Home & Spaces Potpourri

S.L.O.W… all down!! all down. Pause from your full calendar and long task list. Take a moment—or ten— to simply be. To remind yourself that this is life, right here right now. To reacquaint yourself with your pulsing heart and your incredible body that allows you to do …all that you do. To remember that life is …

Books & Writers

Ikigai, Hygge, Lagom….

If you want to get addicted to something get addicted to yourself. I always believe that slow living is not to be mistaken for being unambitious. People who seem indifferent are the ones who are seeing with their heart and are at peace with everything around. Perhaps striking right juxtaposition of a quiet chilled out …

Books & Writers

Look Beneath, Beyond and Around ❣️

No one wants suffering in their lives but we recurrently find ourselves asking questions like …what have I done to deserve this? why me?…..These are the statements nature doesn’t understand and questions it doesn’t answer at all. For that matter ,The law of karma.. attraction…. manifestation.. everything fails at times. We are only left with …

Books & Writers

The song of God – Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.

” When doubt haunts me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad-Gita …it works as a therapy for me. I always find a verse that comforts and serenades me bringing a glee on my face in the merits of overwhelming …

Books & Writers

A date with Shashi Tharoor

A date with shashi tharoor ….😉 😍 Nothing can get better than Sinking in a good book… And soaking with a goblet of iced coffee. Lemme dedicate my life todayTo the care of those who come my way Lemme touch each one with healing handsFor the gentle art for which I stand Let the divine …