Appreciate where you are in your journey, even if it’s not where you want to be !! When you have the courage to be yourself, you will feel a freedom like no other. Take a stand for authenticity and openness, the real people will love the pure, beautiful, creative soul that you are. Believe in yourself…to be real is to be free of any disguise, veil or a cover up.

The relationship you share with yourself is uniquely interesting and complicated because you can’t walk away from self. You have to forgive every mistake, accept every flaw and deal with every damn dysfunction. It’s easy said than done. Be kind to yourself in this process because every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts. When you love yourself you glow from inside, you attract people who respect and appreciate you. It all starts with what you and how you think about you. Start feeling worthy and valuable of recieving what best life has to offer . Be magnetic!

Every season serves a purpose…Every experience teaches you a lesson…Every moment of sadness shows you where to heal..Every ordeal adds up a feather in your wings…I guess everything adds up just right if we stop our damn calculations and embrace our struggles with open arms. Once you get freaking committed to your own growth nothing can stop you.

The most appealing thing in this whole universe is your self power. When you’re centred and grounded, it’s so amazing, irresistible and divinely attractive. 

Life is all about journey and not destination…so find method to your madness and keep marching ahead…only to comprehend that it was sheer MAGIC.

Most days you might forget to love yourself but keep trying and trying….don’t ever give up as that alone is a Victory !!

Some pointers that might be of some help to you ….