I have been blessed to have such men around me, Be it be My father or the father of my son. The man who takes pride in taking care of his being at utmost priority.. Putting him off to sleep or just being their for him …who has no qualms about releasing his soft, caring, nurturing side on the forefront. 

Also I feel when a man listens to a woman’s feelings, supports her, motivates her in her ventures without prejudices and getting agitated, feeling angry or frustrated,  it goes a long way in saying about his upbringing and ideologies. It’s all about mutual love, acceptance, admiration, appreciation, adulation, approval and encouragement. Masculinity doesn’t make him a man, his machismo won’t earn him any respect it’s his vulnerability, benevolence,  his capacity to understand emotions and sense of expression that will take him miles in a relationship. Strengthening the softer side can make a great deal of a Man unlike being outrageously patriarchal, despotic and autocratic.

It takes a lot for a men to break the prevalent taboos, social stigmas and come out of his cocoon to emote freely without holding back his softer emotions, and also to express them without any apprehensions and prejudices.