Words are building blocks of your existence and they reflect the integrity you have as a character. Since words hold power, it’s important to speak words that hold positive intentions and equally important to keep words as promised to others…it could be as trivial and simple as telling someone – hey, calling back in five and not turning up the entire day or very conveniently to the point where you find it comfortable to fit in that promised call.Traits like this are a reflection of your intentions and integrity and the kind of person you are growing up into….If it is someone who regularly makes promises and doesn’t live up to them they are a reneger. I think it’s a great deal to be true to your words. It says a lot about your depth and stature. Falling back on your words once in a blue moon is seemingly still acceptable but cultivating it into a habit is so not done. Where there are genuinely grey areas, a finding of lack of integrity can be accommodated but when someone makes it a practice it’s repelling and not very likeable.
It’s not about convenience and comfort always….at times it’s only about honouring your words and commitment.
So next time think twice before you say– Be Right Back….and if you say… be true to your words and Show Up. However meagre, casual it might seem to you. You never know it may be of great importance to someone.