Be a parent you needed as a child.. Àttend to their hearts not behaviour.

Ìf your child is prone to throwing tantrums and is short tempered may be you are influencing his behaviour. Just introspect…

Ìf your child is lying it means you overreact on every slightest of a mistake. Be available with a patient ear..and work on your impulses rather…

Ìf your child is a coward, May be you are too eager to remove every obstacle from his path. Let him try atleast …it’s his journey…don’t takeover.

Ìf you buy everything for your child and still he picks up things that don’t belong to him may be you are not letting him choose. Instill wisdom …

Ìf your child is jealous may be you have been comparing him with every Tom Dick and Harry consistently. Stop that immediately…

Ìf your child is short tempered it might be because you don’t praise him enough and only give him attention when he misbehaves…Be more generous with your words and actions.

Ìf a child can do advanced math, speak three different languages or receive top grades but isn’t equipped to manage emotional turmoils, handle stress or resolve conflicts, and most of all if he doesn’t turns out to be a good human being none of the other achievements or stuff is really going to matter…life is always not fair ..