In a world where every person is living with a facade BE YOURSELF ❣️
This is ESHAN HILAL, India’s first professional male Belly Dancer, Choreographer and a Fashion model. A 27 year old rare male exponent of a dance form that is traditionally performed by women. With all those Sensuous, Fluid to Percussive moves, Sinuous Pirouettes, Spins and Shimmies, Gentle Vigorous sways having undertones of seductive feminity it wasn’t only challenging for him to follow his unconventional dream but seemed an Impasse.
Now comes the crux , why am I mentioning all this ? Amidst the chaos and mayhem in present times where everyone looks shattered and dejected.. disappointed in life or the damn functioning of the world ..there are people like ESHAN who seem to be so driven with their passion and conviction, breaking the social norms, shackles of the society, smashing the gender stereotypes, psuedo prejudices, taboos and hypocrisy… that they kind of shine like a Star trailblazing and changing the mindset of the people with their Resilience and Perseverance…. Motivating and Inspiring the generations to come to follow their esoteric dreams and aspirations with Panache n Finesse…to have Faith in themselves.
Often slapped with derogatory remarks, criticized and foresaken by the family, society, people like Eshan makes you believe in the fact that there is no perfect dream and it doesn’t have to always be conventional or cliché. It’s just that you have to accept yourself the way you are and follow your Passion or Calling even if it means to go against all odds and a life long struggle. Not to succumb to family or societal pressures and keep forging ahead…irrespective of the hardships, emotional turmoils and humiliation.
One day it’s all gonna come true….Your Dreams would shine on the Horizon , You will touch the Zenith…Name, Fame shall follow the suit and Family would come around eventually.