No one else,
has been able to make me feel
So strong and vulnerable…
While just as safe.
And who else
Could reassure me that although
I may fail a thousand times more,
Someone might still…
Be crazy enough to love me
Just the same.
It is in no one else, but YOU,
Whom I willingly surrender
Myself to.
So take this as a subtle plea
Never to let go of Me…..
I have the nicest of window in front of me. None of others can even compete. It’s not Flashy like the rest or akin to some French Renaissance kinds…but this bleary eyed has been my Strong Stead Companion… It has witnessed Two decades of my life pass by, So many Years and Weathers go by. Together we have done it all. I m totally besotted with this and the pouring raindrops make it even more fascinating and appealing. Don’t miss that tiny feathered Pigeon of mine….My forever’Coffee date !!