I might have minced my words when I said I was keeping Busy…But not in a way most people would understand.

I was Busy Taking Deeper Breaths,
I was Busy Silencing Irrational Thoughts,
I was Busy Calming A Raving heart,
I was Busy Loving Myself….

Sometimes this is my Busy and I ain’t apologetic about it. I’m at a point in my life where I don’t want to be wasteful of anything, or any moment. I don’t want to stay in places that drain me, For what ? Don’t want to keep up with people who don’t offer Growth or Positivity.
May be I am selfish and that’s okay with me….I want to Bring Value and Get Value in the Bargain. Don’t want to waste Food, Water, Energy, Emotions and Time …Or My Life in anyway possible.

A Nanosecond seems so Important when you have the reckoning … Clock is ticking fast and so is Your Life.