Crave for a love that adds value to life,
Aspire to be in partnership not relationship…
Have someone in your life who aids you up the mountain of life and guides you through the valleys of adversity…Someone who is able to breathe in sync and dance by your side through thick n thin. Experience a Grind–together kind of a love, a partner with whom you can build an Empire beside. Don’t trade your soul in exchange of anything or for anyone in this world because that’s the only thing you brought with you and can take back !!
Out beyond the ideas of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing….there is a field, I will meet you there …. Come, sit with me on the edge of the world, where the calm meets chaos and we are met by our dreams….let’s watch as madness swirls by our feet and this beautiful world passes by and then we will lean over, seize moments and catch memories in our butterfly nets…
Here in the featured picture is the book that has all the translations by Coleman Barks… brilliantly and sparklingly demonstrating the Rumi’s poetry . Perhaps the world’s greatest spiritual poet–the gold of Rumi pours down through Coleman’s words. The words leap off the page and dance. Through his inspired renderings, we tired modern people can experience Divinity.